
PHDCCI joins the Nation in Mourning of Mr. Ananth Kumar death


November 12, 2018

New Delhi

PHDCCI joins the Nation in Mourning of Mr. Ananth Kumar death

President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr Rajeev Talwar on Monday expressed his deepest and heartfelt condolences on the untimely passing away of Ananth Kumar, who was Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers and Parliamentary Affairs in the NDA Government led by Prime Minister Mr. Modi.

In a statement issued here today, Mr Talwar said “the pre-mature death of Mr. Kumar is a tragic loss to public life which has also left a void in BJP in particular and national politics in general. Mr Kumar originally came from State of Karnataka through ABVP and rose to the cadre of BJP by sheer dint of hardwork and perseverance, was a politician and public figure largely respected in the entire nation and his reverence was quite prevalent and pronounced in the State of Karnataka which fuelled him for successful and accomplished national politics”.

Mr Kumar has been the youngest Minister in erstwhile Vajpayee government as Civil Aviation Minister and subsequently when NDA returned to the power in 2014 Late Kumar was inducted to the Council of Ministers with his latest portfolio being Chemicals and Fertilizers and Parliamentary Affairs. It is largely acknowledged in the public that Mr Kumar was a finer and abler Minister who performed and discharged all his duties and responsibilities with resolute commitments. The Chamber mourns his death and prays the Almighty that the departed soul rest in a peace, Mr Talwar added.


Koteshwar Prasad Dobhal

Consultant (PR)