
PHDCCI seeks parity of remuneration between women & Men in corporate sector on the eve of International Women’s Day


March 7, 2019

New Delhi

PHDCCI seeks parity of remuneration between women & Men in corporate sector on the eve of International Women’s Day

PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) on Thursday urged the corporate sector in general to ensure complete parity of remuneration and other accompanying benefits with it between males and females as also emphasized that industry should come forward to mentor the women particularly in its vulnerable sections for her emancipation and empowerment.

The Chamber’s Senior Vice President, Mr D K Aggarwal held that the uniformity in pay package and those of other benefits if ensured equally for both genders, it will enhance the participation of women workforce by at least 10 per cent, eventually, amounting to a hike of 1 and 1.5 per cent of national GDP. Currently, the women participation in total workforce is estimated at 27%.

Presiding over a Women Achievers’ Summit 2019 under aegis of PHDCCI on the eve of International Women’s Day, Mr Aggarwal also made a strong pitch for “an absolute uniformity” in remuneration paid off to males and females in industry in general arguing that a huge difference of 20 to 25 per cent is seen between the remuneration given to females against their male counterpart in industry and unorganized sectors.

According to him, even the financial and banking including prominent service sector observe a difference of close to two per cent in such remuneration against that of men workforce whereas in health and other nursing sector, in which women employees perform much better a job and that to with greater dedication and skills, the difference in their pay package against their male counterparts stands between 20 to 25 per cent.

“If India has to ensure women empowerment in real sense, the industry and the corporate sector including all stakeholders would have to take a urgent call to demolish the difference in remuneration fixed for males and females. In fact, industry and all social sectors should come forward to mentor the women in need so that she contributes equally to nation building”, emphasized Mr Aggarwal.

Special CP-Women Safety, Delhi Police, Ms Nuzhat Hassan who was also present on the occasion endorsed the view point of PHDCCI, according to which mentoring of women need to be facilitated and even sustained for the sole objective to achieve and accomplish women empowerment.

Secretary, NDMC, Ms Rashmi Singh who was also present on the occasion emphasized that women empowerment has grown a priority in the eyes of administration in general and hoped that the right momentum is gained so that women empowerment becomes conclusive.

Chairperson, Family Welfare Foundation and Women & Child Development Committee, PHDCCI, Ms Anuradha Goel also reiterated that mentoring of women need to be picked up on sustained basis for making women participate in building a new and modern India.


Koteshwar Prasad Dobhal

Consultant (PR)