


May 14, 2019

New Delhi


Industry Workshop on Roadmap for Smart Metering in India held under aegis of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) here today has recommended that policy initiatives have to be pro-active for earlier installation of smart metering to measure electricity, gas and water consumption for all sects of consumers.

The other recommendation arose out of the Workshop states that the Discoms should have adequate cyber and technological infrastructure in place before the installation of smart meters for consumption of electricity measurement. Likewise, similar infrastructure should also be available with utilities responsible for water and gas distribution for all sorts of consumers.

The third suggestion that came out of the deliberations of the day include that the pricing of smart meters should be affordable with reliable quality and availability and the issue relating to cyber security of such meters should be foolproof enough so that consumers become devoid of fear of any prospects of hacking their devices.

The Workshop was presided over Chair, Energy Committee, PHDCCI, Mr Rajeev Mathur in which key note address was delivered by Member, Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission, Ms Anjuli Chandra with Associate Partner & Digital Leader, Ernst & Young LLP, Mr. Sudhanshu Gupta highlighting the pros & corns of smart metering. The vote of thanks was delivered by Co-Chair, Energy Committee, PHDCCI, Mr R C Agarwala.

In her key note address, Ms Anjuli Chandra pointed out that smart metering is the need of hour and should be installed for a win-win situation for all stakeholders involved in the value chain of the power sector with all necessary precautionary steps in place. The issues of cyber security and efficient data cadre with Discoms should also be addressed so that inadequacies do not prevail in the new arrangements, she added.

Mr Rajeev Mathur was of the view that with changing times and increased digitization, the need for smart meter for measuring electricity, water and gas consumption has become relatively more imperative with a perfect roadmap for the job in place.

Mr. Sudhanshu Gupta in his observations explained that lots of policy initiative are moving and progressing with fairly better place and there are a couple of Discoms that have already begun to experiment installation of smart meters with the launch of pilot project with necessary support from Center and hoped that the move would see the day of light in next few years.


Koteshwar Prasad Dobhal

Consultant (PR)