
Application Form


PASSPORT DETAILS (Max 2 persons)

Name Passport No. Designation Date of Issue Date of Expiry Place of Issued Date of Birth

Product for Display/Specific Business Interests (Please give 6 digit HS Code of products):

Name of Product HS Code

Company Profile

Refund Policy - Please note the Participation charges are non-refundable and non transferrable.

Bank detail for payment by RTGS/NEFT:

Account Name: PHD Chamber of Commerce

Bank Name: ICICI Bank

Saving Account No. : 007101055940

Branch Address: Green Park Extension, New

Delhi - 110016

IFSC Code No: ICIC0000071


We have read the GENERAL EXHIBITOR RULES and confirm that we shall abide by them. Enclosed is our Bank Draft No For Rs. towards payment of rental and other charges in favour of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, payable at New Delhi. Name: Designation .


1. Terms of Reference

The terms & conditions set out herein shall be read and construed as an integral part of the contract. The term ‘Exhibitor’ shall include all employees, representatives and agents of any company, partnership, firm or sole proprietorship to whom space has been allocated for the purposes of exhibiting. The term ‘Exhibition’ shall mean the exhibition referred to on the application form. The term ‘Organizer’ shall mean PHD chamber of commerce and Industry, New Delhi. The term ‘Contract’ shall mean the contract for exhibition space at the exhibition, entered into between the organizer and the exhibitor and which incorporates these present ‘Terms & Conditions’ which shall be construed as an integral part of the contract.

2. Allocation of Exhibition Space

The organizer shall allocate the space in accordance with the nature of exhibits or in any manner it may deem fit. The organizer reserves the right to change the space allocated to the exhibitor at any time prior to the commencement of the erection of booth by the exhibitor and; at the sole discretion of the organizer to alter the space or transfer or close entrances or exits to the exhibition facilities and to undertake such structural alterations as it may deem fit. The decision taken by the organizer in this regard shall be final and binding.

3. Use of Exhibition Space

Exhibitors are entitled to exhibit only the announced products and must man the stand or space with competent personnel during the exhibition hours. Any articles exhibited without prior authorization may be taken away at the expense and risk of the exhibitor. Exhibits may not be exhibited outside the limits of space rented by the exhibitor. The exhibitor is responsible for cleaning of its stand. Cleaning should not be carried our during event hours. Failure to observe these regulations may result in the organizer taking the steps it considers necessary against offenders , without assuming any responsibility whatsoever for the consequences arising from such violations of regulations. Exhibitors are not allowed to sublet or assign their stand to other parties wholly or in part. Exhibitors shall be liable to pay for any damage caused to the exhibition premises. Exhibitors would be solely liable for the safety and security of their belongings procured and manpower deployed during the exhibition. Exhibitors shall ensure the proper insurance of these at their own cost. The exhibitors would be liable to adhere to the instructions and the applicable laws for the purpose of exhibition. The exhibits procured for exhibitions shall be free from all legal hassles and would not violate any IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) of any third agency. Organizers would not be liable for any liability on this account, rather the organizer would stand completely indemnified for any loss occurred in this account.

4. Termination of Contract

The organizer may terminate the contract if the exhibitor fails to make full payment of participation fee before 25 days of start of the event. The allotted space will be cancelled and payment made to the organizer will not be refunded. In case the exhibitor fails to attend the exhibition for any reason, it shall be liable for paying the full amount of the total participation fee.

5. Cancellation or Curtailment of the show by the organizer

In case, the facility in which the show is to be held or is being held is destroyed or becomes unavailable for occupancy, for reasons beyond the reasonable control of the organizer, or if for any reason the organizer is unable to permit the exhibitor to occupy the facility or the space, of if the event is cancelled or curtailed, the organizer will not be responsible for any loss of business, loss of profits, damage or expense of whatever nature the exhibitor may suffer. The reasons include, but are not limited to, casualty, explosion, fire, lightning, flood, weather epidemic, earthquake or others Acts of God, acts of public enemies, riots or civil disturbances, strike, lockout or boycott or other force majeure event.

6. Movement of exhibits

a) Exhibitors shall bear the responsibility and expenses for the transport of exhibits to and from the exhibition venue. b) Exhibitors shall make their own arrangements for storage and warehousing of the exhibits. c) Exhibitors shall remove all exhibits from the exhibition venue within the period stipulated by the organizer and shall indemnify the organizer against any loss by reason of delay or damage to the exhibition venue. d) All customs, import duties / government levies on goods / publicity material / samples / exhibits applicable in the country where the exhibition is being held are to be borne by the exhibitors. e) While PHDCCI will provide the overall guidelines on the said matter of Customs, PHDCCI cannot be held responsible for any omissions, changes or interpretation of customs officers in carrying forward their duties.

7. Security

Exhibitors and their representatives should be present at their stands at all times during the exhibition hours. They are not allowed to close their stand before the appointed time of closing.

8. Facilities

The organizer shall be providing deliverables as mentioned in application form. Besides that, he exhibitors shall bear the cost of additional services such as visa fee, WI-FI at venue, meals at venue, additional security etc.

9. Insurance, Liability and Risk

a) All exhibitors shall insure, indemnify and hold the organizers and the venue owners harmless in respect of all the costs, claims, demands and expenses to which they may be subject as a result of loss or injury arising to any persons, howsoever caused, while the said persons are upon or examining or passing their exhibition stand during the tenancy of the exhibition. The liability or risks of the employees, agents or exhibits shall be the responsibility of the exhibitors. b) All exhibitors shall obtain, prior to start of the event, all-risk insurance from an insurance company of good standing. The Exhibitors shall produce copies of insurance policies obtained pursuant hereto.

10. Supplementary Clauses

The organizers shall have the right, in all circumstances, to issue supplementary regulations, in addition to these present terms and conditions, to ensure the smooth management of the exhibition. Such instructions shall be considered to be an integral part of the terms of contract.